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Image by Jeremy Bishop

Come Along With Me For A Look At my Spiritual Journey​

Image by Saffu

A Message From the Writer

I must preface that what is "spiritual" to me has vastly changed throughout my life. However, what is presented on this website touches on several thing, and might not inherently appear to everyone as being "spiritual". Personally, I find certain quotes, songs, films, figures, etc. extremely moving and because of how moved I become, it is a sensation I can only connect with the spiritual. For myself, personally, almost everything leads back to the spiritual, mainly because of the interconnections I find and make. Thank you for taking the time to view my website and learn more about my spiritual journey

- Emily Leaming

Image by Jakub Kriz


Below are some quotes that resinate with me, especially when looking at my spiritual journey. Some are original writings, while others are from readings during the semester, while others come from films/ television sho that I like.

“Here was death in concrete and yet it did not touch me so nearly as those forebodings of death which came to me at night after I closed my eyes in the dark room and the universe began to spin around me in space” 

- Dorothy Day, "The Long Loneliness"

“I think this trait of my childhood characterizes the whole of my life; and when I began to think seriously of perfection […] one had to suffer much, always aim at perfection and forget oneself”

 - St. Thérèse of Lisieux


Maybe it’s that death sounds confining to me and that's why I’m scared of it. But in reality it’s probably the other way around; life is confining and death is freeing.

- E. L.

"I think it’s easy to confuse a soulmate a mirror"

- Billy, Daisy Jones and the Six 

Can anyone truly be who they are, stripped away from the individualistic and bias lenses that we impose on one another and, thus, ourselves? Can we truly be anything away from our external environment? Is a name our essence, our identity that is related to those around us, or is it just a name? Can we know for certain if the lives we build are authentic to us, or are they variants of what society is made up of: ideas, concepts, biases, beliefs. Is a name just a name because it’s something we place onto everything to make sense of, meaning we minimize ourselves and the world around us to belittle it so that we may comprehend it?

- E.L.

"Know thyself"

- Oracle at Delphi

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